It's All In The Cards
♥ That Crazy Queen Of Hearts ♥
(In reverse)
3. Hearts
2. Gin Rummy
1. Crazy Eights
Crazy had several hearts tucked inside her own heart. She had a heart for breaking, a heart for mending, a heart open and a heart for aching. "All hearts are necessary" was Crazy's motto. Crazy gravitated towards just about anything with a heart; she loved artichoke hearts & those sweet little candy hearts with messages: Be Myne, Kiss Me I'm Yours... Crazy's favorite tree was a giant blue Ash tree- its bark was carved with hundreds of initials & hearts. Crazy wanted to carve in her own heart and initials just as many others had but there was no room left on the tree for her initials and heart. This inspired Crazy to create a heart for aching. Crazy even brought her new boyfriend Dancing bear to her tree of hearts and he cried when she told him that there wasn't room left on the tree for her heart so Crazy created a mending heart for Dancing bear's sadness.
Crazy wouldn't let anyone into her own heart to love her because her heart had been wounded too many times. Some folks have another name for wounded hearts...they say that it's just a case of I got the down & out blues syndrome. But Crazy believed that she had an obligation to protect her heart. This is why Dancing bear thought that Crazy needed a kitten, a safe ball of fur which would gently and slowly melt Crazy's heart. Dancing Bear took Crazy to the animal shelter and a black kitten called to Crazy's new open heart. She pulled the black kitten to her and Crazy took him straight to her home and she named the little kitten Love.
Love needed Crazy and Crazy needed Love. The kitten grew into a healthy cat and he did manage to melt the ice in Crazy's heart just as Dancing bear had hoped. Then, one morning Dancing bear and Crazy went to the little grocery store to buy a couple bottles of pop and when walking back to their apartment Crazy saw something which looked like a black backpack leaning against the light post. Wondering what it was Crazy walked closer to the light post and that's when she saw that it was her cat Love- saw that he was dead. Crazy dropped her bottle of pop and she screamed. She stood there on the sidewalk screaming and crying while holding her hands tight against her newly created heart for breaking. Crazy looked into Dancing bears sad brown eyes and she said-- Love is dead...
Gin Rummy
Tommy left a tooth mark scar on Crazy's left ring finger. Following the playground mishap, Crazy hung out at the corner drug store- spent her nights leaning against the brick wall practicing for her future. Crazy had fantasies of being a life long beach bum where she could drop acid, body surf and blow bubbles just like the gigantic whales. Crazy loved 52 card pick-up and she collected old marbles. Crazy threw away all of her stupid childhood dolls, she never did get the electric train set which she begged for every damn xmas and this was yet more proof to her that santa was nothin' but a gin drinkin' asshole. Or was it scotch? Don't matter, Crazy's santa was an asshole period.
Crazy found herself underwhelmed with living her life in a suburban bedroom community where rules were the tools to keep the young from straying an inch away from the great_american_dream. Crazy looked inside her mind and said to self- "I'm done here I'm gonna' ride the dawg to Southern California." When Crazy arrived in California she checked out Hollywood, met up with Diggy at the Blue Grotto where she dropped her first dose of acid. After leaving the Blue Grotto Diggy & Crazy hopped the jitter-bug express, downed a package of fig newtons with a six pack of grape sodapop.
Crazy kept the queen of hearts in her back pocket. The card gave her a sense of calmness which Crazy desperately needed because she constantly heard background noise. But it wasn't white noise. It wasn't a color one would find in a box of crayons. Crazy said that it was a colorless steady hum of light.
These days Crazy leans against anything or anyone because she doesn't have the gravity problem. Heh. Crazy always wanted to float. Now she depends on non-floaters to keep her from floating straight out into infinity.
Crazy Eights
Nutball. Loony tunes. Psycho child. Eyes were shiny blue steelies.
Recess was the time for the strong vs. the weak-- which usually took place on the school playground. Behind that old red brick school house the dirty secrets are buried where the flag pole used to stand before they tore it all down. But you can still hear the rope pinging 'n the ghost voices of the screeeching children franticly dodging the ball. A bouncing happy face ball 'cept the smile was upside down.
Limping inside the rat maze, her pants wet- Crazys fingers were clutching at the nauseating smell of her eight accumulated years of cruelty- when that red-headed booger face Tommy (his dad was a cop) -sunk his teeth deep into Crazys finger. Careful not to break her mama's back Crazy stepped over every single crack as she bit out at the grinning shadowy faces.
Swish swish swish...the ball slipped through the net.
Swish swish swish...Crazy slipped through the cracks.