I'll wait, what choice have I?It's one of those days, slow motion like...I feel a bit high and somewhat low, the sun is shining bright reminding me...the night oh how I love the night, it makes me feel a little safer. The night has its own breath, breathing a sensual breeze which makes everything appear softer. I am not a soft person, I'm a bit rough 'round the edges. Yet I'm vulnerable, open like a wound, a flower, a casket, and then I'm shut. Shut sealed taped glued mute. I suppose I'm not easy to live with.

I love climbing trees and I love swinging. I kick my feet & legs hard, swing as high as I can and then I let go fly through the air, and almost always I land on my feet. This scares the hell out of my friends. I remember when we were all walking near a wooded area & I saw a tall tree (the tallest) which I just had to climb. I climbed the tree as high as was physically possible and when I looked down I could barely see their faces.
Trees are sensual, curved and textured. I like how trees hold their own weight and they always give more than they take.
I'll wait, what choice have I? I
have more trees to climb...swings to swing. ....I still have the night-Carol
Credit for black and white illustration goes to
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