Thursday, April 6, 2006

I'm Rocking Into You...

Moon nodding night stars flaming across
the jet stream, it’s time for you to
breathe your ebony blanket into a cradle
of leaves and spider silk.
I'm rocking into you, into you.
Your dusky shadows whispering, taking
me along in a boat where we drift idle
on the water’s slick black dreams.
Over the land and all the way down to
where the crickets mate you wrap your
satin shroud with your changing-over.
Going past the old willows, away from
light to closing eyes, and falling into
slumber where the night jars sing about
your mystery.
Wait don’t leave me yet! Run your fingers
through my that yes like

Hold me in your arms of blackness, rock
me until the sun returns with her heat
steaming off the dew where the grass
awakes.... easing me back to a world of
blinding light.

Carol Brown ©



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