Shuck & Jive
AB positive flowin' through my veins while he's catchin' a glassy eyed lap dancer burstin' in the air all powdery like bug bombs 'splodin on a red hot licorice night. He'll kindly take her home, set up the bed with his fine bone china 'n serve her those sweet little finger sandwiches in hopes that she be lickin' his pâté what for his efforts 'n all.
Myself, I ain't got nothin' 'cept some copper regrets 'n mah eyes still got scars from them penny arcade nights of ridin' my thoughts dizzy on the eternal carousal counterclockwise no less.
With apologies to Bob Dylan...
They call it the blowin' in the wind syndrome, it's a simple twist of fate but don't think twice a hard rains a-gonna fall. Just above the Nashville skyline I'm knockin' on heaven's door where Mr. Bojangles is dancin' his dance and all the tired horses on desolation row long for the changing of the guards's not dark yet. I'm a girl from the north country seen many a shooting star and just like a woman I threw it all away to be alone with you. Take me to the gates of Eden give me one more night make love to me baby until I'm all tangled up in blue.

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